Google is buying more renewable energy than the use

Google is buying more renewable energy than the use

According to Google, in a blog post Google is buying more renewable energy than it is used, according to a US web giant company.

Google has taken steps to use renewable energy in 2017 The company aims to purchase the same amount of power from the source of renewable energy for the total electricity consumption at 13 data centers and office offices.

Currently the amount of air and solar power the company is buying is not being used. The company has one kilowatt-hour renewable energy for every kilowatt-hour electricity demand. This power comes from the specially designed air and solar power plants for Google. But the company is not fully running in renewable energy.

The amount of renewable energy purchased by the company is currently higher than the amount of electricity it consumes - news technology site Verghese

According to Google, the renewable energy project currently has a contract to purchase three gigawatts of electricity. But like us, "It is not possible to run this phase with renewable energy."

Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook are also working to establish an organization with 100 percent renewable energy to deal with climate change. Apple Park's new headquarters is already running 100 percent renewable power. By 2020, the company has pledged to use four gigawatable renewable energy.

Thank You All.Be Happy Always And Keep In Touch.


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