32 bit or 64 bit which one is better???

32 bit or 64 bit which one is better???

32 bit OS Maximum supports 3GB RAM and 64 bits support up to 3GB also.

So if your PC's RAM is 4 GB and if you use 32-bit OS, then your 1GB will not be used.

Also software and 32 and 64 bits are available, but more than 32bit software is available.

32 bits os 4gb ram can not use full part.
However, 64 bit OS can use a lot of ram starting from 4gb. It increases the speed of the work.

32 and 64 bit versions of many software are available separately. However, 32-bit VERSION of the Maximam software is mostly 64 bits. Some software's 32-bit 64 bits do not run.

Here is one thing which are meant by 32 bit = "x86" and 64bit = "x64".

Thank You All.Be Happy Always And Keep In Touch.


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