What is a Computer virus? How does they attack? And its remedy.

What is a Computer virus? How does they attack? And its remedy.

Computer virus is a type of computer program that can be copied manually without user permission or idea. Like the Metamorphic virus, they can convert the original virus copies or copies can be modified by themselves. A virus can be from one computer to the other computer only when the infected computer is taken to the normal computer. For example: A user can send the virus through a network work or spread through a portable device, such as a floppy disk, CD, USB drive or Internet. Viruses can also attack a net work file system, which can cause other computers to use those systems. The virus is sometimes combined with computer warmes and Trojan horses. Trojan horse is a file that is harmless until it is executed.

Currently, many personal computers (PCs) are connected to the Internet and local area networks, which help to spread harmful code.
Virus infection can occur through the World Wide Web, e-mail and computer file sharing. Some viruses are created by destroying programs, deleting files, or by destroying the computer by reinstalling the hard disk. Many viruses do not damage the computer directly, but they also produce many copies that express their presence via writing, video or audio and message. Silent Philosophy These viruses can also make many user problems. They occupy the necessary memory of normal programs. Several viruses create bugs, which in turn cause system crash or loss of data.

Anti-virus Software and Other Preventive Measures.

Antivirus software detects virus in two common ways. The first and the most common method is to detect viruses from the list of virus signatures. The main problem of this detection method is that users are protected from viruses that are mentioned in the update of the previous virus infection. The second method is the heuristic algorithm which is detected by the common sense of the virus. In this method, it can be detected by non-virus detectors as it is not a virus.

The process of the repair

It is risky to use it without the need to reinstall the operating system once the computer is infected with a virus. However, there are several methods for fixing the virus-related computer. These methods depend on the type of virus and the level of infection.

Remove Virus

The method of undoing the Windows XP system is undo known as system restore, which restores the registry and important system files to normalcy. Often its application hangs the system and subsequently the hard-reboot will take it to the extent it's damaged. However, some viruses restores the restores and other important tools, such as the task manager and command prompt. One such virus is named Sydore. Administrators have the ability to keep these tools ineffective for other users. Virus changes the registry by doing the same thing, so when an administrator runs the computer, other users including him are deprived of using these tools. When an infected tool becomes ineffective through the virus, it "Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator." Gives the message.

Operating System Re-instation

If a computer has a virus that can not be deleted for anti-virus software, then the reinstallation of the operating system may be necessary. To do this properly, you must delete the hard drive completely (delete the partition and format it).

Thank You All.Be Happy Always And Keep In Touch.


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