Now Mobile Tower is Building on the Moon!!!|Mobile Tower in the Moon is it possible| Mobile Tower in the Moon.

Now  Mobile Tower is Building on the Moon !!!

Incredible, however true, preparations are being made to set up mobile towers in the moon. This is a mobile phone operator named Vodafone. In this case Vodafone with Nokia and car maker Audi is going to do it.

If everything is okay, the first mobile tower will sit on the moon within 2019. The mobile signal will be sent from the world, which will be returned to the Earth again from the moon.

With the establishment of a new tower, the fourth generation of the moon will be able to send video streaming to the world. The tower that will be installed on the Moon.

Vodafone authorities said Nokia has been providing technical support to install the moon tower. The tower will be sent to the moon by the 'Falcon 9' rocket in Space X's Elon Mask company from Cape Cannavarel in 2019.

It is going to be the first private moon mission in the space of the private space space. This tower will be established on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the coming of the moon.

Thank You All.Be Happy Always And Keep In Touch.


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