IDM's One Extreme Tips & Tricks ...If do not See, You Will Miss 100%.

IDM's One Extreme Tips & Tricks ...If do not See, You Will Miss 100%.

We all know about the idm (internet download manager). We usually use this idm to download something from the Internet. IDM's very easy and effective two tricks will share with you.
The first trick is download schedular. By this you will have a file auto download after one click. When a download ends, another file will start downloading automatically. We can not download two files at a time, usually on net speeds. With this sceheduar in your absence, a download will start downloading the Auto download file. For this, if you download the files that you download, then download a shortcut (optional).
Now open the idm and click on the downlaods> scheduler like the image below.

Now click on the top files in the queue. DOWNLOAD 1 file at the same time. Click the apply button below. The file that pauses the files below will come.
Just click on start now like image below.

Then, those files will begin to download one after the other.
You can use the arrow buttons below to change the position from top to bottom of the file.

That's All. Now Enjoy.

Thank You All.Be Happy Always And Keep In Touch. 


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