How do you know if your Smartphone is real or fake|Android phone real or fake tips|Do you know whether your Handset is real or fake or where It was built or came from???

Do you know whether your Handset is real or fake or where It was built or came from???

Many of us feel confused when buying a new phone and Again, many of us when buying old ones they got confused about the set standards.
If you want to get rid of this problem you can get more information through some code.

* # 06 # will have an IMEI number of 15 digits. Notice the numbers in the numbers 7 and 8,

If the number two is 0 or 20

So the phone quality is very bad.

If the phone is 01 or 10 then the phone is very good.

If 00 then the phone is made in the factory.

If the 13 is the phone quality is very bad and it is harmful for health.

And if 08 or 80 then the phone is standard.

If the number two is 10, 70,
If 91 or 01.07, 19 are then

Understand that the phone is made of Finland.

02 or 20, then the phone will understand
Germany or the United Arab Emirates. |

The phone is made of Korean phones at 30 or 03

40 or 04, the phone is made in China

50 or 05 if the phone is Brazil or
Made of the United States |

60 or 06 if the phone is in Hong Kong or
Made of Maxico |

The phone was made in Hungary by 80 or 08.
13 or 31 is the phone made in Azerbaijan.

Thank You All.Be Happy Always And Keep In Touch.


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